Nail Diseases & Nail Disorders

Nail abnormalities are extremely common but can often be symptoms of underlying medical disorders. At Desert Valley Dermatology, we diagnose and treat multiple nail diseases and disorders, helping patients restore the health and appearance of their nails.

Nail disorders can cause changes in the appearance and shape of your nails, as well as pain and other symptoms. Some common nail disorders include fungal nail infections, nail clubbing, ingrown toenails, splitting or peeling nails, and psoriasis.

Many common nail abnormalities are caused by external factors like exposure to harsh chemical solvents commonly used in nail polishes and artificial nails. However, some fingernail disorders have serious – though treatable – underlying medical causes. Visiting a dermatologist for your nail disorder is an important step in determining the best course of treatment.

Fingernail and toenail problems are frequently related to the following conditions:

Nail Fungus

Fungal nail infections are caused by fungi, which can enter the nails through tiny cuts or a separation between the nail and nail bed. Symptoms of a fungal nail infection include discoloration, brittleness, and nail thickening. Treatment for this type of infection usually involves antifungal medication.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are caused when the edges of the nail grow into the skin around the nail. Symptoms of an ingrown nail include pain, swelling, and redness. Treatment for an ingrown nail usually involves soaking the affected area in warm water and trimming the nail. If the area is infected, it can be treated with antibiotics.

Nail Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that can affect the nails. Symptoms of psoriasis of the nails include pitting, discoloration, thickening of the nails, loosening, and separation from the nail bed. Treatment for psoriasis of the nails usually involves topical creams, oral medications, or corticosteroid injections.

Splitting/Peeling Nails

Splitting or peeling nails is a common condition caused by a wide range of factors. This condition can be caused by frequent exposure to water, detergents, soaps, and harsh chemicals. An infection, nail-biting, or fingernail trauma can also cause the condition.

It is important to note that this condition is often not a serious health concern, but if a rash or other symptoms accompany it, please seek medical attention.

Nail Clubbing

Nail clubbing, also called digital clubbing or Hippocratic fingers, is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal enlargement of the tips of the fingers and toes. It is usually associated with several serious underlying medical conditions and is most commonly seen in individuals with lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

The diagnosis of nail clubbing typically requires the presence of two of the following criteria:

  • The angle between the nail bed and the nail plate is greater than 180 degrees
  • The nail is curved around the fingertips
  • The width of the distal phalanges is greater than normal
  • The distal nail bed is glossy, thickened, and smooth

Beau's Lines

Beau’s Lines are a type of fingernail deformity that can be caused by a variety of health conditions. They appear as ridges that run horizontally across the nail plate, interrupting normal nail growth. The ridges can have several causes, including systemic illnesses, vitamin deficiencies, injuries, and certain medications. In some cases, the cause is unknown.

Beau’s Lines are a common condition. However, serious health conditions can sometimes be associated with them. For this reason, it is important to have Beau’s Lines evaluated promptly by a doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment of any underlying cause can help prevent complications.


Onycholysis is a condition in which the nail separates from the nail bed. This condition can cause the nail to become discolored, thickened, or brittle, sometimes accompanied by pain or discomfort. Causes of onycholysis may include infection, psoriasis, or a reaction to certain medications. Treatment of onycholysis may involve removing the affected nail, applying a topical steroid, or using oral medications.

Treatment for Fingernail and Toenail Diseases at Desert Valley Dermatology

Nail disorders can be an unsightly and embarrassing problem. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available to help improve the look and health of your nails.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, please speak to a physician who specializes in nail disorders to determine the cause and get the proper treatment. At Desert Valley Dermatology, we offer comprehensive information about nail disorders, treatments, and prevention tips.

If you have concerns about the appearance of your nails, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Desert Valley Dermatology to schedule an evaluation today.