Post-Treatment Care

Caring for your surgical or wound site after any procedure is important. Be sure to follow your doctor’s post-care instructions for the safest and best outcome, and follow the guidelines below.

Biopsy Care

What is a Biopsy?

A biopsy is the removal of a sample of skin by your dermatologist. This is then sent to a
pathologist, a doctor who examines this under a microscope and renders a diagnosis. Your
doctor then reviews the pathologist’s findings to determine the best treatment plan. This
process can take up to 10 days before you are notified of these results.

Care of Biopsy Site:

• Wash your hands with warm water and soap.
• Cleanse the biopsy site with warm water and gentle soap, then thoroughly dry the area.
• Apply a small amount of Vaseline/ Aquaphor to the biopsy site.
• Place a small dressing or Band-Aid over the biopsy site until the wound is healed. The
healing process will take approximately 7-14 days.

Download Biopsy Care Sheet

Cryosurgery Care

What is Cryosurgery?

Cryosurgery is the treatment of a lesion(s) with the application of liquid nitrogen which is used
to destroy the lesion(s).
After treatment with liquid nitrogen, you may experience a burning sensation or pain that can
last up to 24 hours. The discomfort can be relieved with extra-strength Tylenol or any over-thecounter pain relief medication. Within 24 to 48 hours a blister may form. The blister will resolve
on its own. Please do not pop, peel or pick the blister.

Instructions for Care:

• Wash your hands with warm water and soap.
• Cleanse the treated site(s) with warm water and gentle soap, then thoroughly dry the area.
• Apply a small amount of Vaseline/ Aquaphor to the site.
• Place a small dressing or Band-Aid over the treated site(s) until it is healed. The healing
process will take approximately 7-14 days.

Download Crysosurgery Care Sheet

Efudex Instructions

What is Efudex (Fluorouracil)?

Fluorouracil is a topical chemotherapy cream used to treat sun-damaged skin and/ or
precancers. Common side effects include inflammation, itchiness, soreness, tenderness,
redness, scaling, and mild discomfort to the treated site(s). These side effects are normal
reactions and indicate that the cream is working. Systemic symptoms rarely occur. Fluorouracil
attacks the precancers and/ or any cells that are abnormal. If the treated area(s) become too
painful you may apply Vaseline/ Aquaphor.

Please do not apply Neosporin or any topical antibiotic cream to the treated area(s).

Efudex (Fluorouracil) Application Instructions

1. Wash your hands with warm water and soap.
2. Place a small amount of Efudex (Fluorouracil) on your fingertips.
3. With your fingertips rub the cream into the area that you are treating.
4. ALWAYS wash your hands thoroughly after rubbing in the Efudex (Fluorouracil).
5. Store the Efudex (Fluorouracil) in a cool place. (Keep out of reach of children and pets)

Download Efudex Instructions Sheet

Post-Operative Care

When taking care of your surgical site we want to stress the importance of the procedure and
your recovery.

• Please leave your pressure dressing on.
• It is okay to shower with your pressure dressing on, however, the bandage will need to be kept
dry. (Adding additional tape over the dressing is fine)
• If the pressure dressing is removed or comes off, you should contact our office at your earliest
convenience to schedule a bandage change at 480-725-8279.

If the pressure dressing is removed, please perform wound care daily.

• Wash your hands with warm water and soap. It is okay to get the stitches wet in the shower, but
you must avoid swimming, hot tubs, or baths while sutures are in place.
• Do not clean the site with hydrogen peroxide, instead please use warm water and gentle soap.
• Please make sure the wound is dried thoroughly.
• Apply a thin layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor to the surgical site.
• You may cover the wound with a clean bandage if you desire; it is okay to use regular Band-Aids.
• If the surrounding area gets irritated from the bandage adhesive try using a different type of
bandage, such as paper tape. (Available over the counter)

Please DO NOT use Neosporin or any topical antibiotics.

Signs of Infection are Increased pain, soreness to the touch, redness or yellow drainage several
days after surgery, and fever. If any of these signs appear, please call the office at (480) 725-8279.
Some bruising and swelling at the surgical site are very normal, please do not be alarmed.

Download Post-Operative Care Sheet

If you have any questions about your post-procedure care, please contact our office at (480) 916-3376.