Skin Conditions Treated
Whether you’re experiencing mild acne or a significant change in your skin’s appearance, the Desert Valley Dermatology specialists offer compassionate, state-of-the-art treatments that can yield exceptional outcomes.
At Desert Valley Dermatology, healthy skin is our mission.
The team at Desert Valley Dermatology delivers personalized, patient-focused care for a broad spectrum of common skin conditions that can cause pain, lifestyle disruptions, or discomfort.
We offer highly effective, personalized treatment plans for all skin conditions, helping patients achieve healthy, radiant complexions. If you struggle with uncomfortable or worrisome skin conditions, we’re here to help.
At Desert Valley Dermatology, we specialize in diagnosing and treating different skin conditions, including the following:
Approximately 50 million Americans are diagnosed with acne every year, making it one of the most common skin diseases in the U.S. At Desert Valley Dermatology, we offer a variety of treatment options – from topical solutions to in-office procedures – that can dramatically improve the appearance and texture of your skin.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is among the most common chronic skin conditions. It is characterized by inflamed, irritated skin patches that might form scabs or blisters. We will help develop a comprehensive individualized treatment plan to help manage this chronic and complex condition.

Melasma, sometimes called chloasma, is a skin disorder that causes the development of light brown, dark brown, or blueish-gray skin patches. While this condition is not dangerous and sometimes fades on its own with time, it’s important to have any skin discoloration evaluated by a dermatologist to rule out more serious skin diseases.

Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
Primary hyperhidrosis is a non-threatening medical condition that causes excessive sweating. The sweating can be severe enough to soak through clothing and is frequently unrelated to heat or physical exertion. Desert Valley Dermatology offers numerous minimally invasive treatment options to minimize sweat gland activity.

A cyst is a closed protrusion on the skin that can form anywhere on the body. The most common types of cysts are dermatofibromas, benign lumps that often form in response to an injury, and sebaceous cysts that develop deep in the skin. Desert Valley Dermatology offers minimally invasive, next-generation treatment options designed to remove painful cysts quickly and comfortably.
Rosacea is a highly common condition that causes flushing in the skin, sometimes accompanied by small, raised bumps and broken blood vessels. The condition can be exacerbated by extremes in temperature, stress, or certain medications. Desert Valley Dermatology offers a suite of highly effective therapies that can help manage the appearance of rosacea and minimize inflammation and discomfort.

Vitiligo is a disorder that causes the death of melanin-producing cells, resulting in unpigmented patches of skin that can appear anywhere on the body. While this condition can affect anyone, it is especially noticeable in people with dark skin tones. At Desert Valley Dermatology, we offer targeted treatments that can help restore pigment to affected areas.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that accelerates the development of skin cells, causing thick, inflamed, scaly skin plaques to form. These plaques develop primarily on the elbows, knees, and scalp, but they can appear anywhere on the body. The team at Desert Valley Dermatology can offer personalized treatment plans designed to minimize discomfort and dramatically improve the skin’s appearance.

Skin Discoloration & Hyperpigmentation
Skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation can have a variety of causes, including vitamin deficiency, sun damage, melasma, thyroid disorders, hormone fluctuations, and skin injury.

Rashes are inflamed, bumpy, and blotchy skin patches that can result from an external skin irritant (allergic response) or an internal infection. The team at Desert Valley Dermatology offers customized treatment for a variety of skin rashes, helping to minimize discomfort while improving the health and clarity of your skin.

Actinic Keratosis
Actinic keratosis is a slow-growing precancer on the skin that forms after a lifetime of heavy sun exposure. It is important to have any unusual growth evaluated by a dermatologist, as untreated actinic keratosis can progress to skin cancer. The Desert Valley Dermatology team offers highly effective, minimally invasive treatments that can remove the scaly patches and relieve symptoms.

Blistering Disease
Blistering diseases are autoimmune disorders that cause the development of ulcers, lesions, and blisters on the body and inside the mouth. Blisters might erupt in response to sunlight exposure, cold temperatures, or infection, depending upon the type of blistering disease. The Desert Valley Dermatology team will partner with your primary care physician to determine the best treatment protocols for your symptoms and health.
Let the Desert Valley Dermatology team help you uncover glowing, healthy, beautiful skin. Contact our helpful representatives to schedule a consultation today!