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For Referrals

Desert Valley Dermatology specializes in general medical dermatology services, helping patients address complex skin, hair, and nail conditions.

Although some insurance providers cover medical dermatology services without requiring a referral, you should review your plan carefully. Depending upon your insurance provider’s provisions, you might need a dermatologist referral.

What is a patient referral?

A medical referral is a process in which a patient is referred by their primary care physician to an appropriate specialist for additional medical advice or treatment. This referral is made when the primary care physician feels that a patient’s condition is beyond the scope of the primary care physician’s expertise or when a specialist is required for the patient’s particular condition.

While many skin conditions can be successfully addressed by a dermatologist, not all medical issues involving the skin are within a dermatologist’s purview. Because certain internal medical disorders cause symptoms that initially appear on the skin, insurance carriers require an assessment by a primary care physician to ensure further treatment by a dermatologist is medically necessary.

How do I obtain a referral for a dermatologist?

The referral process for dermatological care from an insurance company typically begins when you visit the primary care physician. From there, your physician can diagnose a condition and may refer you to a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment.

The insurance company will usually require paperwork to be completed before the visit. This paperwork will contain your medical history, medications, and other important details. You must also sign a consent form to allow the dermatologist to access your medical records.

Once your paperwork is completed, the insurance company will review the referral and determine if you are eligible for coverage.

You will be contacted to schedule an appointment if the referral is approved. The dermatologist will review your medical history and might order tests or treatments. If you require treatment, the insurance company will usually cover the cost.

At Desert Valley Dermatology, we will gladly discuss any issues or concerns you might have regarding the referral process. If you have any questions, you can contact our helpful representative.

Please review our list of approved insurance providers.